Thursday, October 18, 2012

12 healthy foods healing power

As part of a healthy diet, full foods play important roles in helping our body to function optimally. There are thousands of full meals more nutritious, but some of them in this list do more than simply donate their nutritional values ​​- they help us recover. In fact, every food on this list carries in itself a list of multiple healing effects, from fighting cancer through reduction of cholesterol, protect against heart disease and so on. Eat these healthy foods and start to feel healthy.


This small fruit, full of nutritional value is also marks full of vitamin C (double the quantity of orange), has more fiber than apples, and can bananas as food with more potassium (potassium). Perzirja unique vitamins and minerals that are found in kiwi helps against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and respiratory diseases. Natural mixture of blood dilution found in kiwi function without the side effects of aspirin and also assist vascular health by reducing the formation of spontaneous blood clots, reducing LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), and lowering blood pressure. Many studies have shown that kiwi not only reduces oxidative stress and damage to the ADNS but also helps damaged cells to repair themselves.


When we talk about healthy foods there have also cherry. Cherries boast a long list of healing powers. Cherries are rich in substances that help against inflammation and cancer. As if this were not enough, in lab studies, kuercetini and ellagjik acid, two ingredients found in cherries, have shown that repulsed and stop the growth of tumors It would also cause cancer cells to make suicide - without damaging healthy cells. Cherry, among others, have antiviral and antibacterial ingredients.

Guava (Guava)

Guava is a small fruit tropiak that may also be round, oval or pear-shaped. There are not that common so it is difficult to find, depending on where you live. But if you find it worth the effort. Guava contain more lisofene, antioxidant lufon cancer than any other fruit or vegetable. Guava contain lisofene ready to 20 percent more than tomatoes. Our body can not process the more from lisofene found in tomatoes if they are not prepared. The processing helps break the strong cell walls. But production of this fruit cell structure allows the antioxidant absorbed regardless if consumed fruit or cooked as it is natural. Among other things, this fruit offers nutritional values ​​without sodium added to processed tomato products. So if i found ... you know what to do?


Beans are miraculous food. Lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and insulin production, helping the health of the digestive tract (digestive) and protect against cancer. If you think about foods with fiber, protein, and antioxidants you certainly you mind goes immediately to meat, fruits and foods full, well think so - beans offer all three in a bundle. For this the beans are in the list with healthy food.


Not only are they incredibly rich in nutrients, but it is also calorie free food. Calorie for calorie, offers four times more calcium than 2% milk. Gram for gram provides vitamin C than an orange and more iron than spinach. It is full of vitamin A and vitamin K amount, also has many types of carotenoids, antioxidants and protective phytochemicals.


You already know that spinach is good for your health, but do you have good days than it is? Spinach protects against eye disease and vision loss, is good for brain function, protects against prostate cancer, bowel and breast, protects against heart sëmundes, stroke (stroke), and dementis (madness ); reduces blood pressure, is anti-inflammatory, and is very good for bone health. Spinach has a variety of nutrients, including amounts of vitamin K, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, Folan, magnesium and iron.


Onions have a bad name because of their effect on the smell of the mouth, but this is not the only part of the body onion effect. Onions contain powerful enzymes that lufojnë cancer; onion consumption has been shown to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and esophagus has also been associated with reducing mortality from coronary heart disease. Research suggests that onions also helps protect the stomach from cancer. Onions contain sulfide that help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol (cholesterol), also contain peptides that help prevent bone damage by stopping the loss of calcium and other bone minerals.


Carrots are very good source of potent antioxidants known as carotenoids. Diets that many carotenoids are associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer also postmenstrual of bladder cancer, cervical, prostate, colon, larynx and esophagus.

On the other hand, diets with less carotenoids are associated to chronic diseases including heart disease and various cancers. Research suggests that just one carrot per day could reduce by half the risk of lung cancer. Carrots may also reduce the risk of kidney and ovarian cancer. In addition to fighting cancer, the nutrients in carrots prevent cardiovascular disease, stimulate the immune system, intestinal health and help support the health of the ears and eyes.

Wrong conceptions

Is a full house cabbage vitamin K and C. Only a handful of sprouts provides 91 percent of the volume of recommended vitamin K, do 50 percent vtaminës C, good amount of fiber, and a host of other goods such as magnesium, vitamin B6, folate, and so on. And all these blessings you along with no more than 33 calories. Calorie for calorie cabbage offers 11 percent more vitamin C than oranges.


Can hardly find any other food with so many natural ingredients that help health as broccoli. A handful (filgjan) with boiled broccoli provides 200 percent of vitamin C recommended (again more than orange), almost as much vitamin K, and about half the amount of recommended daily allowance of vitamin A, along with folate, fiber , sulfur, iron, B vitamins and a host of other nutrients. Calorie for calorie broccoli contains about twice the amount of protein than Steak - much more fitonutrient defense. Is looking for healthy meals, here's where you broccoli!

Kale (before)

Kale is highly nutritious, has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. A filgjan with boiled kale contain 1328 per cent of the volume of daily rekomandar of vitamin K (1228% more!), 192 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin A, and 90 percent of vitamin C. Among others is also a good source of calcium and iron.

Dandelion (Pipirit)

The same bar that is known for breaking yard also houses long history of use as a bar healing in different cultures around the globe. A filgjan speaks Dandelion provides 535 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin K and 112 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin A. Dandelion sheets, or pipirit as we call it in Kosovo, are also a good source of vitamin C, calcium, iron, fiber and potases. Of all the food is rich in vitamin A, among the green (green vegetables) is the best source with beta-karotene. If so far you have not said to be consumed, now that you know that it is healthy foods healing, will change, will begin to konsumosh?

These are so healthy foods that should make them part of your diet. Do you have anyone else you would like to add to this list of healthy foods?