Thursday, October 18, 2012

Prevent breast cancer through these ways!

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 200,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed and more than 40,000 women will die this year from breast cancer in America. Although experts say that there is a safe way to prevent this disease, you can do a lot to reduce the risk of its development. Below are 9 of the best ways that can reduce the chances that you have breast cancer.

Lose weight

Being overweight or obese has shown that increases the chance of breast cancer, especially among women after menopausës, when after the ovaries no longer produce estrogen, the greater a woman's estrogen comes from fat tissue. The research showed that women have more opportunities to take adult weight than women who were overweight small. Notwithstanding this fact, if you are overweight, consult your doctor or a dietician about the changes you need to make in your diet. Another way to lose weight and daily physical activity and other healthy ways.

Eat Healthy

Although studies are not very safe if taking yndrnave has a direct link with breast cancer, experts agree that a diet with high proportion of fats leads to weight gain. They advise a balanced diet based on plant foods, including fruits and vegetables, and simultaneously limiting the consumption of processed foods and red meat.

Exercise every day

Daily physical exercise is essential not only for reducing the risk of breast cancer, but also for the overall health. According to a study, 1.25 to 2.5 hours of brisk walking per week reduces the risk of breast cancer among women by 18%, while walking 10 hours a week reduces even more. Can also run, to give the bicycle, swim and be motivated. Aim for 45 - 60 minutes of moderate exercise or physical activity at least 5 days a week

Limit alcohol to

The consumption of alcohol has a direct link with increased risk of developing breast cancer (and other types of cancer), and this risk increases with the amount of alcohol consumed. Compared with non-consumers, women who consume one alcoholic drink a day have a very small risk for breast cancer, while women who drink two to five drinks per day had a risk about 1.5 times in women who do not drink. If you definitely want to drink, limitojeni to one drink per day.

Feed the baby with breast

Recent research shows that women who breastfeed their babies have a somewhat lower risk for breast cancer, especially if you continue breastfeeding in the first two years. Although nowadays breastfeeding is quite rare, should be fed at least several months. Experts believe that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer in women because it also reduces the total number of menstrual cycles a woman goes, exposing it to lower hormone levels in relation to risk of breast cancer.

Stay away from cigarette smoke

Although the research did not show that duhuanpirëset have a greater risk for breast cancer, studies sygjjeruar that high concentrations of tobacco as passive smoking can cause breast cancer in carriers.

Avoid carcinogens things around you

Scientists recently been trying to find the link between environmental factors and cancer gijrit. A high interest are environmental substances found in laboratories that have features like estrogen, which could theoretically increase the risk for breast cancer. For example, substances found in some plastics, cosmetics, and pesticides such as DDE appear to contain estrogen features. A strong link between environmental factors and breast cancer seems not yet to be found, but experts suggest avoiding substance of concern for safety.

Make clinical breast test

In addition to monthly breast checks (self), experts recommend that women should go to the doctor for clinical breast exam every three years if you are under 40 years of age and every year if you are over 40 years old. They can detect changes that women can not catch when doing self control at home. Doctors can offer women information about breast cancer prevention, taking into account family history and lifestyle. Early detection is essential in the prevention of breast cancer it spread and be more difficult to combat.

Make a mammography

Do breast self tests are an effective way to familjarizoheni how your breasts look and feel, in order to understand immediately changes that might indicate breast cancer. However, mammography are the gold standard to detect breast cancer and recommended for women starting at age 40, or earlier if your doctor advises. Although mammography does not prevent breast cancer, may reveal what the first steps and to prevent the spread and become a life threatening condition.