Monday, October 15, 2012

Scientists: "80% of the wild vegetation of the globe will not exist without bees"

Without the existence of bees, our food will limit the maximum, leaving only the wheat, corn and rice.
According to some scientific studies, 80% of the world's vegetation includes and crops need bees for pollination, while 80% of the wild vegetation, there thanks bees!

Generally these insects, which are considered the most exciting and most profitable, financially for man, directly or indirectly participate in 15-30% of global food production.
"Fortunately, for us, bees are a type of insect with strong unity against harsh conditions and infectious disasters," explains insektologu professor of agriculture at Aristotle University of Greece Andreas Thrasyvoulou, adding that:
"Thanks to beekeepers, bee populations as come up, even in Greece from 1,200,000 bee hives, their number reached 1,560,000 million bee hives."

Meanwhile, the professor adds: "The problem in this case is dictated to wild bees, which are also useful to be adversely affected by the same cultivation of cereals, helmet and multiple fires. Wild insects are also considered as very useful and should be retained. There are more than 20,000 wild bee. Each type is specified in the pollination of some special plants. "

Characteristic is the example, were wild bees which take pollen of the orchid and plant oil you use to attract females.

In this way, the bees in question in a relationship of interdependence of the composition and wonderful designs of nature, have needed Orkidenë, to multiply and Orkideja bees to reproduce.

"All these together show us how much bee contributes in maintaining the balance of nature: Assists in maintaining biodiversity, helps to enrich the soil with organic matter and protect the soil from erosion," said the professor.